Archive for November, 2010

235th Marine Corps Birthday Ball

We spent the weekend in Vegas for the USMC birthday ball and we had a blast! I don’t think either of us have gotten that little sleep in so few days. The ball was on Thursday night at the Rio and was set up nicely. Jeff looked amazing, of course, in his dress blues complete with ribbons and medals. I felt like a princess, with my hair done at a salon and an amazing dress with beautiful makeup (both thanks to Summer). There were about 300 people there but it wasn’t crowded at all. The food was pretty good and there was a great guest speaker. We were seated at one of the two tables for the corpsmen with some awesome, fun people.

After dinner, Jeff and I, along with two of our friends, went to the Blue Man Group show. It was definitely interesting but I thought it was fun. We walked the strip some, stopping at a bar or two, then we headed back to the Rio where we ran into some friends who also attended the ball. We had a few drinks then ate either a very late dinner or a very early breakfast (it was about 2am). The rest of the weekend was filled with going out, going to bed very late, waking up late and some family time. I have to say, it was one of the best weekends I’ve had in a very long time.

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